> Mission > The Natural History of Taiwan
> The Prehistory of Taiwan > The Indigenous Peoples of Taiwan
> The Atrium

Taiwan during the Iron Age

About 2,000 years ago, metalwork such as iron objects made the first appearance in Taiwan. This not only proves the ability of the prehistoric people in producing new tools, but also a new period that Taiwan had entered.

Influenced by the foreign metalwork style, iron objects became important tools and gradually replaced the stone objects. Foreign materials such as gold, silver, bronze, glass and agate became popular ornaments and substituted jade objects. The foreign objects proved the oversea trade taken place in Taiwan.

The Iron Age in Taiwan nurtured a number of regional cultures, the Shihsanhang Culture of the northern Taiwan, Fantsaiyuan Culture of middle Taiwan, Niaosong Culture and Guishan Culture of southern Taiwan, and Chingpu Culture of east Taiwan. It is possible that the people of these cultures are the ancestors of today's indigenous peoples of Taiwan or Pingpu.